New Lifee 101

Constantly Creating


New Lifee 101 stands for progression as a mass creative unit allowing every individual the ability to embrase their ART form and use it to create Lifee in every aspect.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

1 or 9 train to Houston Street or the A,B,C,D,F train to West 4th Street. Walk two blocks down to 7th Avenue

My hommie Tabi Bonney

(thanks for hooking me up with Kefim, he rocks!

Dudes photography is on point! We shot together, what you waiting for DUDE!!

Put them New Lifee model pics up sir!)...anyways...lls

Go check my man Tabi out in NY man....I know I'ma be there 4 sure!! Since Riley and I are moving up there soooon!!! yaay!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

still mad i was the last to know!
but yeah
still love you
and TABI is the greatest!!!