New Lifee 101

Constantly Creating


New Lifee 101 stands for progression as a mass creative unit allowing every individual the ability to embrase their ART form and use it to create Lifee in every aspect.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

WTF Is This World Coming To?

Please look at both videos.

SMH. Now after watching the second video is the white man actaully needed to kill off our race. Like I feel like he can go home and just let us kill ourselves. This shit is sad. Shit like this makes me ashamed of my skin color, both videos but primarily the second. They all showboating laughing and shit nobody is sayin wait maybe we should stop this (remind me of the video with lil girl and boy dancing). Where the fuck are the parents? Its back enough that Im being hated because of my skin color but to know there are plenty of african americans making easier for them to do it makes me sick to my stomach sometimes. When I see that most of the people locked up are black or most of the people on welfare and abusing it or that WE ARE DOING RADICAL RACISTS WORK by killing each other I just wanna stay in a hole and never come out. I dont know what to say I wish we could do better with all my heart but tears of disappoint fill my eyes as I realize it will never happen.

And as for my racist friend up there attempting murder hate crimes. I could type some really nasty things to say about you but I wont what you did was stupid I dont understand hating a whole race for something one person has done to you. Ignorant on your behave. This just proves that though my race is dieing we are not the only ones who need help.

-Chae' Nice
Press Play


Anonymous said...

The first video almost made me cry.

The 2nd video is just dumb.

wtf man.....

i dont get it

FreeHundreds said...

yeah, me neither

Anonymous said...

That just made me cry...... I can't deal with society. today... That second video, remindedme of a situation my lil bro was in...things of this nature.. and painful to the heart and eyes.